Čeprav večkrat pravim, da za lepe poročne fotografije niso potrebni lepi kraji, rožice v ozadju in podobni “rekviziti”, ampak predvsem povezanost para, me kljub temu kakšni kraji presenetijo. Ta most čez Savo ni nič posebnega. Na poti iz Ljubljane proti Litiji ga verjetno še opazili ne bi, če ne bi morali zaradi križišča zmanjšati hitrosti. Med nočno vožnjo pa je toliko bolj neopazen, saj je v temi. Vsekakor pa ni nekaj, zaradi česar bi se odpravljali na fotolov. Je pa to most, ki povezuje dvoje src, dve zelo zanimivi osebi, ki sta nekoč živeli vsak na svojem bregu in ugotovili, da je 1 + 1 lahko tudi 3.
Ja, “neopazni” most čez Savo. Zdaj je dobil svoj trenutek slave. Želje strank so vedno v izziv, tudi če je treba zapreti cesto ali se odpraviti visoko v prašen kamnolom. Čestitke, Lea, Gašper in 3ka 🙂
Wedding season has started also for photographers:
I often repeat that for beautiful wedding photos stunning places, background flowers and other “prerequisites” are not required. That the most important thing is a connected couple. But still, sometimes I am surprised. This bridge over Sava river, on the way from Ljubljana to Litija, is nothing special. It would have remained unnoticed if it wasn’t for the intersection, thus the need to reduce speed. It’s even more unnoticeable in the dark because it’s not under lights. Anyway, it is not something to catch your camera attention. But this bridge is very special for two people: it is the bridge that connects two hearts, two very interesting people, who once lived each on their own bank, and eventually found out that 1 and 1 can be 3. Yeah, the “invisible” bridge over Sava river. Now it’s got its moment of fame. Customer wishes are always a challenge, even if it is necessary to close the road or stop by in a dusty quarry. Congratulations Lea, Gasper and 3 🙂